Same Book, New Look!

BOOK NEWS!! I have a super exciting announcement about Provenance Unknown! 🤩

If you’ve already bought a copy, then congratulations! You now have a limited edition, because my publisher is releasing the book with a brand new cover. I’m really excited about it (if you can’t tell). I hope you love it as much as I do!

So without further ado, here it is!!

Cover for Provenance Unknown by Sonia Nicholson showing Paris street scene, painted style.

Nothing changes in terms of where you can buy it, so use the same retailer links to purchase the new cover edition.

One Day Only

And just to tempt you even more, it will be on sale for one day only, July 20, for only $0.99 US! Browse to the Amazon and Barnes and Noble online stores on July 20 to take advantage of this steal, courtesy of my publisher, Sands Press.

While you’re there, you can get the same deal on books by two other Sands Press authors:

  • Meaning Less by Brad Oates
  • Deadly Secrets by M.K. Stoddart

Spread the word!

One Day Sale flyer.

A Story in 75 Words

The bend. The old man is there again, in his lawn chair. Sun hat and glasses. Walking stick leaning against canvas. His umbrella is gone. I wonder 
what he keeps in his blue crossbody bag. Each time we drive past, I notice something new. Formulate additional questions. How long has he kept 
vigil at the bend in the road? What is he watching? Watching for? In the absence of answers, I create my own story.

Thanks to Paragraph Planet for sharing my story!

Paragraph Planet has been publishing one 75-word paragraph every day since November 2008. Follow them on Facebook, Twitter, and/or Instagram, and visit their website to read all the paragraphs and give some support.

More Reviews

Every review helps more people see my novel, and I appreciate each one. Thank you!

5 star review: Sonia is both an articulate and eloquent writer. I enjoyed the descriptive journey, romance, and attention to detail that create a personal bond between the reader and the protagonist. I'm looking forward to reading her next novel.
Goodreads review
4.0 out of 5 stars
Beautifully woven story
Reviewed in Canada 🇨🇦 on June 6, 2023
What a delight to read Sonia's first novel. It has everything: archives, research, travel, relatives lost and found and of course, a little bit of romance! Living in Victoria, BC I enjoyed the local references that you certainly do not find very often. May she have equal success with her now finished second novel.
Amazon review
5.0 out of 5 stars Great first novel
Reviewed in Canada 🇨🇦 on June 29, 2023
Sonia's first novel is a winner! Especially her portrayal of Michele the archivist. I enjoyed following her adventures from Victoria to Paris and how she overcomes the obstacles that confront her on the journey. I look forward to reading her second novel which I am sure will have the same success!
Amazon review

Summer is Here …

Keep those Provenance Unknown countdown-to-summer beach read pics coming. (Even though summer has officially arrived.) 📸 ⛱️

This recent submission take us to the lake. Thanks for sharing! There’s still time to send in your own.

Do you have your summer beach read yet?

Hat, book, and sandals on beach.
Provenance Unknown book on beach log, with beach in background.

… And That Means Tunes

Did you know that Provenance Unknown has a playlist on YouTube? (This is what writers do instead of writing 😆)

There’s a song for each chapter; check out the playlist description to see which go together. If you listen to it and have read (or are reading) the book, let me know what you think of the music match-ups!

Class Notes

I’m included in the “Class Notes” section of the Spring 2023 edition, UVic Alumni Torch Magazine (p. 32). It was very cool to be listed with all of those accomplished University of Victoria grads.

As it says in the write-up, I credit my French degree, along with my own adventures in the City of Light and nearly fifteen years of experience in archives, with helping achieve authenticity in Provenance Unknown.

Screenshot of “Class Notes” from UVic alumni magazine.

The Little Book Barn

After a kind invite through Instagram, I swung by The Little Book Barn in Saanich just before Canada Day to drop off some Provenance Unknown postcards!

This little free library is super cute, and inspiring too. I’m hoping to one day soon install my own curb-side lending library on my street and fill it with books that transport us either in time (history), place (travel), or emotionally (romance). I’ll keep you posted. 📚

Library Love, Continued

Recently, I woke up to this message on Facebook and it made my day!

Sonia Nicholson - Author, Medicine Hat Public Library has purchased a copy of Provenance Unknown.    

I hope it will have a long life with many people reading it.   I am to be first, since they will put a hold on it for me when it arrives.

I would still love to see my book in the Okanagan Regional Library, my childhood stomping grounds. This is at the top of my library wish list. It’s not there yet, but patrons of the Penticton Public Library can now sign out the ebook via Hoopla. Progress!

If you’re a card holder, consider suggesting a title. It only takes a minute online, and I’d really appreciate it.

Les Bouquinistes

The Paris Effect (Blog and Novel), by Michelle Moggio

Both Michelle Moggio’s novel and excellent Paris blog share the name The Paris Effect. The book poses the question, “How would you spend seven days in Paris?”

Blurb: Mia’s Custom Paris Travel doesn’t begin to describe the pains she takes to deliver the ultimate custom tailored vacation in the City of Light. She offers them a front row seat for a fun, life changing holiday. Tooty – fitness fanatic, she doesn’t want to gain an ounce in delicious Paris. Susanne – a slave to shopping, she can’t escape the high demands of her 24/7 job and absent love life. Justine – helicopter mom to the core, she wants to escape her empty nest and distant husband. Ruth – a Parisian native, she has returned with a dark secret and bitter feelings toward the country of her birth. Mia – in love with her favorite city in the world, her mantra is THERE’S NO SUCH THING AS TOO MUCH PARIS. Chart the course of these uniquely diverse women as they explore the wonders of Paris. Taste it, feel it, love it. The Paris Effect will transport you. Note from author: The fictionalized character of Ruth is based, in part, on her own mother’s experiences during WWII.

Book cover, The Paris Effect by Michelle Moggio
Cover, The Paris Effect

The blog is well worth a read, too. I particularly like the 2015 post on 100 layers of Paris! The numbered list consists of,

One hundred declarations of devotion exalting the symphony of this unparalleled city, forever confident There’s No Such Thing as Too Much Paris.

Paris is shameless in her outright beauty, the ability to bring countless visitors to their knees, inciting many of us to dream with our eyes wide open about the chance to return again and again.

Not that you Paris lovers need any reminders of why you love this city.

The Paris Effect blog

As always, thanks for reading!



Published by Sonia Nicholson

Sonia Nicholson is an author and archivist. She was born and raised in Osoyoos, British Columbia, Canada and studied French and Spanish at the University of Victoria. She lives in Victoria, British Columbia with her husband, two children, and two rescue dogs. Follow her on Facebook at @sonianicholsonauthor

2 thoughts on “Same Book, New Look!

  1. Hi Sonia, Congratulations on the new cover! I’m happy to say I own a copy of your book with its original cover. Bravo also for the publication of your 75-word paragraph. I love writing challenges with word limits (I’ve been writing 50-word poems). Great songs on your playlist – thank you for sharing!


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