Aww, Nuts!

May began with a quick weekend getaway to one of my favourite places: Parksville, on Vancouver Island. It’s paradise. Honestly. I would be happy to spend the rest of my days there, strolling the cute downtown core and taking long, long walks on the sandy beach.

Forest cottage in Parksville, BC.

Peace and quiet were definitely the name of the game during my stay in a forest cottage a stone’s throw from the Pacific Ocean. And when I say this place is paradise, I mean like animated Disney movie style. Case in point: a chubby squirrel tapped at the sliding door, then held its little paws up in the ultimate I’m-so-sweet pose while a bird joined it to add to the effect. (Snow White must be the owner of the place, I swear.) After hanging out for a while, the squirrel went around to the back and tried the other door.

Now, I know better than to feed wildlife. Sorry, friend. No nuts for you. My overactive imagination told me the squirrel liked my company and would visit each day. But when I didn’t give in to its cuteness, it moved on to try its hand at another cabin, never to return.

And here I was thinking it liked me for me!

Class of 2024

I’m honoured to be included in the amazing group of Victoria authors in the Greater Victoria Public Library’s 2024 Class of the Emerging Local Authors Collection. (The unveiling took place on May 11 at the Central Branch.)

It’s hard to be seen in the publishing world, so events like this mean so much.

Learn more about the collection.

Author Sonia Nicholson holding book Provenance Unknown at the unveiling of the Greater Victoria Public Library’s 2024 Emerging Local Authors Collection.
Author Sonia Nicholson’s book Provenance Unknown at the unveiling of the Greater Victoria Public Library’s 2024 Emerging Local Authors Collection.

Branded for Success

Sometimes the best gifts are the ones we give ourselves. 🥰 I finally have author business cards, with a matching pen for good measure, (perfect for book signing!)

Sonia Nicholson - Author branded business cards and pens.

Pen at the Ready

And speaking of book signing …

Author Sonia Nicholson at Indigo book signing event with France-themed table.

I’m just a lowly local author hawking my wares. Kudos to the staff at Indigo Mayfair for making me feel so supported at my book signing event on May 18! I made some sales and had a great time chatting with people. Until next time! ✌️

Watch the post-event reel.

Les Bouquinistes

Adventures in Paris bundle, from Shakespeare and Company

When I saw the listing for this Paris-themed book set for young people come across my in-box, I knew I wanted to feature it this month!

Offered by the renowned Shakespeare and Company book store in Paris (who isn’t paying me for promotion, for the record, though I’d love to work for them), this fun collection of books will transport young readers to Paris, from its secret backstreets to the winding tunnels beneath the city. Join school trips to the Louvre Museum, and play with Gaby and his friends in their local neighbourhood, before racing across the city with a pair of spies investigating murder and secrets. All books are either standalone titles or the first in a series, and are suitable for ages 9 years old and up.

The Adventures in Paris bundle includes:

*Peril In Paris by Katherine Woodfine

*A Hundred Million Francs by Paul Berna

*The Mona Lisa Mystery by Pat Hutchins

*Boy Underground by Isabelle Marinov

Stack of four books in the Adventures in Paris book bundle.

If you do check out any of the books in this collection, let me know! They may be aimed at young readers, but I wouldn’t mind digging into them myself.

As always, thanks for reading. Merci!


Greeting card of a squirrel holding a flower. “Awww nuts, you shouldn’t have.”

Published by Sonia Nicholson

Sonia Nicholson is an author and archivist. She was born and raised in Osoyoos, British Columbia, Canada and studied French and Spanish at the University of Victoria. She lives in Victoria, British Columbia with her husband, two children, and two rescue dogs. Follow her on Facebook at @sonianicholsonauthor

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