
Don’t you love it when a plan comes together? And by plan, I mean a series of beautiful, random events you may or may not have ever imagined. Or if you did, considered highly unlikely. Events like a once-in-a-lifetime viewing of aurora borealis in your little corner of the world, a place you’d never expectContinue reading “Swirling”

Aww, Nuts!

May began with a quick weekend getaway to one of my favourite places: Parksville, on Vancouver Island. It’s paradise. Honestly. I would be happy to spend the rest of my days there, strolling the cute downtown core and taking long, long walks on the sandy beach. Peace and quiet were definitely the name of theContinue reading “Aww, Nuts!”

Looking for Love

During this month of love, I’ve really just been trying to stay afloat. I can say writing is my life, but then life happens and other things take priority. Family, health challenges, new phases. Shifts and reorganization — both in mental and physical spaces. I knew February would be intense, but I had no ideaContinue reading “Looking for Love”


These days, it’s still quite dark when I leave the house in the morning. I hate it. I hate the weird time that can’t decide what it is. Dusk or dawn? Day? Night? Who knows! (My body and brain certainly don’t.) Despite the wildfires in August, I miss summer. I always miss it, but theContinue reading “Light”

Miles and Milestones

View from the Arc de Triomphe toLa Défense, Paris, 1990s. (Author photo) I swear the recurring travel theme in these posts is unintentional. With a book set in Paris, it’s inevitable, I suppose. Read on for a new poem and podcast episode, a wrap-up on my book’s recent overseas adventures, an upcoming author event (liveContinue reading “Miles and Milestones”

Same Book, New Look!

BOOK NEWS!! I have a super exciting announcement about Provenance Unknown! 🤩 If you’ve already bought a copy, then congratulations! You now have a limited edition, because my publisher is releasing the book with a brand new cover. I’m really excited about it (if you can’t tell). I hope you love it as much asContinue reading “Same Book, New Look!”